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Reviews of SteelSeries Nimbus han recogido 27 las revisiones expertas de el SteelSeries Nimbus y el grado medio es el 83%. Enrolle abajo y vea todas las revisiones para SteelSeries Nimbus.
Award: Highest Rated February 2016
February 2016
27 Críticas
0 Críticas
83 0 100 27



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  Publicación: 2015-11-15, Autor: Neil , crítica de:

  • Fantastic construction feels sturdy in the hand, while still costing just $50, A full array of buttons that are responsive and comfortable, Lightning port makes for easy charging, Fully compatible with Apple TV's tvOS, as well as iOS and Mac
  • Without a clamp, iPhone gamers may want to look elsewhere, While the tvOS App Store has great controller support, iOS App Store is still lacking, Where to buy, The SteelSeries Nimbus is currently exclusive to the Apple Store, both online and at its retail
  • The SteelSeries Nimbus is a fully featured gaming controller with exceptional construction, convenient Lightning port recharging, and compatibility with Apple's full range of products. Priced at $50, which is $10 less than controllers for major consoles...

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  Publicación: 2015-10-28, Autor: Jeremy , crítica de:

  • If history's any guide, you'd be best off waiting at least a little while before grabbing any Made for Apple TV controller — Apple's mandate of Siri Remote support means that third-party game controllers certainly aren't necessary, and until there's a big...

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  Publicación: 2015-12-22, Autor: Andrew , crítica de:

  • Resumen:  As we discovered in our early days gaming on the new Apple TV , a gamepad strongly benefits the play experience, since the Siri Remote has its limitations. And it's not just for hardcore players: Having analog sticks and a traditional button layout makes...

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  Publicación: 2021-06-24, crítica de:

  • Resumen:  The Nimbus+ looks about as generic as they come. The design seems hellbent on splitting the difference between the PlayStation and Xbox controller styles: It has Xbox face button lettering – “A,” “B,” “X,” and “Y” – but the bumpers and triggers are labele...

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  Publicación: 2016-12-30, Autor: Eddy , crítica de:

  • Resumen:  Avec l'offre pléthorique de jeux toujours plus complets sur iPad, iPhone et Apple TV, il n'est plus aussi saugrenu de vouloir coupler son appareil avec une manette de jeu. Aujourd'hui, on se penche sur la question en s'intéressant de très près à la manett...

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  Publicación: 2016-03-24, Autor: Elio , crítica de:

  • Ottima ergonomia, Levette analogiche comode e precise, Buona durata della batteria interna
  • Un po' troppo leggero, Tempi di ricarica biblici, Assenza del cavo Lightning in dotazione
  • Il Nimbus di SteelSeries fa egregiamente quello per cui è stato progettato: il joypad per Apple TV e per i dispositivi iOS. Come ho specificato nella recensione, non si può dar di certo colpa all'azienda produttrice se i giochi per tvOS non ne esaltano...

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  Publicación: 2016-02-09, Autor: Marshall , crítica de:

  • Design comodo, buone prestazioni in-game, configurazione semplice, prezzo ragionevole,
  • Sembra troppo leggero da tenere in mano, l'applicazione non aggiunge molto,
  • Il joypad Nimbus ha un bel design, è comodo e permette di giocare molto meglio rispetto al telecomando standard dell'Apple TV...

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  Publicación: 2015-11-26, Autor: Michael , crítica de:

  • Knapp 60 Euro kostet der SteelSeries Nimbus, den ihr auch direkt über Apples Online-Shop beziehen könnt. Gut angelegtes Geld - denn ein besserer Joystick für Apple-Geräte ist uns bislang noch nicht untergekommen. SteelSeries Nimbus: Kompatible Geräte...

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  Publicación: 2015-11-25, crítica de:

  • Markus Schwerdtel: Mit dem Handy auf dem Schoß und einem Gamepad in der Hand in der U-Bahn zu sitzen, ist mir zu blöd. Ein iPad auf den Knien in Kombination mit dem Steelseries Nimbus und einem dazu passenden Spiel (etwa meinem derzeitigen Liebling, dem A...

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  Publicación: 2015-11-05, Autor: Stefan , crítica de:

  • liegt prima in der Hand, gut verarbeitet, Ladevorgang via LightningAnschluss
  • fest verbauter Akku, etwas fummeliger Ein/AusSchalter
  • Der Grundstein ist gelegt: Im Team mit dem Nimbus-Gamepad hat Apple TV tatsächlich das Zeug zur Spielkonsole!TestergebnisProduktnameNimbusHerstellerSteelSeriesPreis59,95 €Webseiteprima in der Hand, gut verarbeitet, Ladevorgang via Lightning-AnschlussContr...

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