Resumen: DiRT 3 takes the best from the DiRT series and turns it into a non-stop white knuckle rally racer. With the premise of racing with pro rally racers and becoming a pro yourself through the career mode, rally fans will be drooling with anticipation to ge...
Resumen: I really, really like DiRT 3, and while I'm going to gripe about a couple things in the game, if you like racing games you owe it to yourself to pick up DiRT 3. The entire series has been pretty great up to this point, and DiRT 3 certainly carries on t...
Resumen: Rally fans are rejoicing, as the third installment in the DiRT series has finally been released. Those who felt that the series has strayed away from tenets of traditional rally racing might be a bit skeptical about the direction Codemasters has taken....
Resumen: Us Brits make bloody good racing games. Over the years we’ve created the likes of Project Gotham Racing, Need for Speed Shift, Destruction Derby and others, and one of the top studios out there for racers is Codemasters, the Midlands-based studio who c...
In Dirt 3 a few scratches tarnish an otherwise impeccable product. It’s a superb racing experience and shouldn’t be missed. While the agent isn’t the best leader through the tour, and the garage is limited in its operation, the solid gameplay, variety ...
Resumen: Our friends over at Codemasters sent over a copy of Dirt 3 to have a go at. I enjoy racing games, though on the one hand I was thinking oh, another racing game….charming. I was not expecting to be blown away by any length. Racing games bore me after on...
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Publicación: 2011-06-11, Autor: Sameer , crítica de:
Resumen: Colin McRae Rally fans were up in arms when Codemasters overhauled the series into the more accessible (aka US-friendly) DiRT, a few years ago. Some shunned it forever, others approached it with caution, but after three games, it’s hard for even the ...
Publicación: 2011-06-05, Autor: Sébastien , crítica de:
Resumen: Après avoir pu tester le mode multijoueur grâce à Codemasters, j'ai donc testé le jeu complet sur PS3 toujours grâce à eux. Troisième opus de la saga dont le nom de Colin MacRae à été supprime suite à sa disparition, le développeur nous prolonger l'expéri...
Publicación: 2011-05-19, Autor: Sébastien , crítica de:
Resumen: Fraîchement de retour de la présentation du mode multijoueur de Dirt 3, pour lequel je ne suis pas arrivé en retard et même en avance de 8 minutes (poke cocole), j'ai pu voir un peu ce que donnait le nouveau titre de Codemasters.Accompagné de Cocole pour ...
Publicación: 2011-09-09, Autor: Timo , crítica de:
Fans der Reihe kommen voll auf ihre Kosten, denn „Dirt 3“ ist umfangreich, bietet ein grandios echtes Fahrgefühl und witzige Multiplayer-Rennen. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad lässt sich über die individuellen Funktionen gut ausbalancieren, nur die Driftrennen ha...