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Reviews of Marvels Spider Man 2 han recogido 49 las revisiones expertas de el Marvels Spider Man 2 y el grado medio es el 89%. Enrolle abajo y vea todas las revisiones para Marvels Spider Man 2.
Award: Most Awarded October 2023
October 2023
49 Críticas
0 Críticas
89 0 100 49

A los editores les gusta

  • Excelentes gráficos
  • Introduce nuevas mecánicas
  • Villanos y ubicaciones
  • Podemos balancearnos por la ciudad bastante rápido
  • Amplia historia principal y misiones secundarias

A los editores no les gusta

  • No tiene ciclo dinámico de día y noche



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  Publicación: 2023-10-16, Autor: Ryan , crítica de:

  • Thrilling Venom-centric story,New special abilites are a blast,Web wings are a joy to use,Instantaneous loading times
  • Inconsistent face models,Side missions are still repetitive
  • Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is exactly what you want from a sequel, building upon the web-swinging traversal and thrilling combat with numerous upgrades, while also making the most of the PS5's cutting-edge hardware for improved visuals and instantaneous loadin...

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  Publicación: 2023-10-16, Autor: Alan , crítica de:

  • Pros, A visual, sensory, experiential PS5 showcase, Bigger but not bloated open world that's a joy to traverse, Excellent storytelling that resonates, Refined fast-paced combat with even more Spidey powers
  • Cons, Some late-game difficulty spikes and mechanics
  • Spider-Man 2 continues riding the very high wave that the Web Slinger has been on with both the Tom Holland-starring movies and the game-changing Spiderverse animated films. It's a triumphant sequel that deftly balances cinematic storytelling with its two...

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  Publicación: 2023-11-01, crítica de:

  • Impressive visuals, Fast travel and traversal feel next-gen, Good Spider-Man story, Fun combat
  • Cons
  • Overall, Spider-Man 2 is a fun and engaging game and pushes the limits of the PlayStation 5. The traversal, fast travel, combat and story are very well packaged without any artificial padding to prolong the lifespan. While the game is considered short by...

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  Publicación: 2023-10-16, Autor: Dustin , crítica de:

  • Resumen:  The first comic book I ever bought was Spectacular Spider-Man #174, featuring Doc Ock trying to wreck the Daily Bugle after burying Spidey under a ton of wreckage. It helped kick off a life-long obsession with comic books, and while I think my favorite su...

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  Publicación: 2023-10-16, crítica de:

  • The best superhero video game narrative ever, Outstanding traversal, Improved, first-rate combat, Marvelous characters and character development, Symbiote suit is exactly what you hoped for
  • Some boss fights are a bit long, Minor technical issues
  • Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a straight-out-of-the-comicbooks masterpiece, and one of the best superhero games ever made. The narrative swings to heights writers dream of, and every aspect of the gameplay has been gone over and improved off of it's already st...

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  Publicación: 2023-10-16, Autor: Eric , crítica de:

  • Resumen:  This review is as spoiler-free as possible. I would strongly recommend waiting to read any reviews that might contain story spoilers.I'll say this about Earth-1048 – the Avengers in that universe are some damn slackers. Tony Stark and the gang clearly exi...

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  Publicación: 2023-10-16, Autor: Amaar , crítica de:

  • It's hard to find fault in a game that will no doubt have you hankering for a radioactive spider bite of your own. Reality being what it is, you're better off playing Marvel's Spider-Man 2 over and over again...

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  Publicación: 2023-10-16, Autor: Ken , crítica de:

  • Fantastic story, Visuals are simply fantastic, Swinging still feels perfect, Some great boss fights
  • Some fights go on too long, Stun locks in combat

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  Publicación: 2023-10-16, Autor: Patrick , crítica de:

  • When Insomniac taps into the heart of its subject matter, be that Peter or Miles, it's glorious. Being a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is compelling. You're equally important in saving the world or helping someone cross the street, a dichotomy this...

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  Publicación: 2023-10-16, Autor: Nathan , crítica de:

  • Resumen:  For my money, web-swinging around New York City in Marvel's Spider-Man is perhaps the singular best game mechanic I've come across in the last decade or so. It feels so incredibly right, and almost everything else in that game is built off it. I never rea...

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