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Reviews of Asustor AS-604T han recogido 52 las revisiones expertas de el Asustor AS-604T y el grado medio es el 84%. Enrolle abajo y vea todas las revisiones para Asustor AS-604T.
Award: Good Buy May 2013
May 2013
52 Críticas
0 Críticas
84 0 100 52



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  Publicación: 2013-03-21, Autor: Benjamin , crítica de:

  • Lots of connectivity options (USB2.0/USB3.0/eSATA/HDMI), Supports JBOD, RAID 0, 1, 5, 6 and Single Disk Volumes, Servers: MySQL, FTP, HTTP, Printer, iTunes, BitTorrent, UPnP Media Server, and more through Plugins, Network Teaming/Trunking provides insane
  • Nothing Major
  • The ASUStor AS-604T is on par with the big players in the NAS market in terms of performance and usability. In fact, they actually raise the bar when it comes to interface, connectivity and multimedia potential. I love the fact that it has a large fan so ...

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  Publicación: 2014-07-12, Autor: Patrick , crítica de:

  • There's a lot to like with the Asustor 604T. It's a cracking good media centre that is so solid build-wise that it could do double duty as a nuclear fallout shelter. On the performance front it also acquitted itself well.Unlike a lot of other NAS units I'...

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  Publicación: 2013-06-07, crítica de:

  • Resumen:  The ASUSTOR AS-604T is landing in New Zealand thanks to Dove Electronics and I had one here for a few weeks to test it. The AS-604T is a four bay NAS with its own operating environment called ADM.You access and manage ADM and its applications through a...

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  Publicación: 2015-04-07, Autor: CHIPTeam , crítica de:

  • Can be used as a media centre, Provides Hot Swappable functions, UserFriendly web interface
  • No dynamic expansions, Price
  • From what we have tested so far, the ASUSTOR AS-60T is generally good at everything while excelling at nothing. At its price range, users won't feel let down by its performance but there are better options within its range.(previously published in issue ...

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  Publicación: 2012-12-28, Autor: Denis , crítica de:

  • Une interface efficace, Media Center inclus, Performances globales
  • Prix !, Quelques bugs facilement évitables
  • Asustor arrive sur le marché du NAS avec des produits performants, bien aidés par un Intel Atom double coeur et 1 Go de RAM. Le design du boîtier est assez classique, rappelant ceux de Qnap, ce qui n'a rien d'étonnant vu les antécédents du PDG de l'entrep...

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  Publicación: 2013-07-29, crítica de:

  • Ops, il settore dei nas ha trovato un agguerrito concorrente. Asustor ha tutto per diventare una forza nel settore, visto che il prodotto non ha nulla da invidiare a prodotti più blasonati. Partendo dalla qualità abbiamo davanti una periferica di assoluto...

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  Publicación: 2013-05-02, Autor: Tommaso , crítica de:

  • Asustor diventerà sicuramente molto presto un competitor per i marchi storici in questo mercato come Synology e QNAP, e la loro prima serie AS-600T ha tutte le carte per competere. La proposta Asustor ci è piaciuta molto , soprattutto in ottica di utiliz...

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  Publicación: 2013-03-18, Autor: Paolo , crítica de:

  • La serie di NAS Asustor viene proposta dall'azienda taiwanese per un pubblico di clienti potenziale molto ampio, che spazia dall'utente domestico alle prese con un archivio digitale importante sino alla piccola azienda. Abbiamo in diverse occasioni ricord...

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  Publicación: 2014-07-21, Autor: Frank , crítica de:

  • hohe Übertragungsgeschwindigkeit, sehr gutes Display, HDMIAusgang, USB 3.0 & eSATA, Verschlüsselung (AES 256), sehr gute Verarbeitung, ausgereifte Software, AppStore, hohe Übertragungsgeschwindigkeit, sehr gutes Display, HDMIAusgang, USB 3.0 & eSATA, Vers
  • hohe Leistungsaufnahme, hohe Leistungsaufnahme, laut
  • Gleiches Konzept, unterschiedliches Ergebnis. Der Asustor AS-604T und die QNAP TS-469 Pro gehen mit fast identischen Voraussetzungen in diesen Vergleich und liefern Übertragungsgeschwindigkeiten, die im Durchschnitt gleichauf liegen. Die Entscheidung für ...

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  Publicación: 2013-05-08, Autor: Marcel , crítica de:

  • Als ich Ende 2012 mitbekommen habe, dass Asus mit der Tochterfirma Asustor NAS-Geräte herstellen wird, war ich recht gespannt, wie das Produkt aussehen wird. Es war von vornherein klar, dass man seitens Asustor die Sache ernsthaft angeht und keinesfalls d...

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