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Reviews of Samsung Smart Home Camera han recogido 2 las revisiones expertas de el Samsung Smart Home Camera y el grado medio es el 20%. Enrolle abajo y vea todas las revisiones para Samsung Smart Home Camera.
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  Publicación: 2013-04-15, crítica de:

  • The Samsung Smart Home Camera is gorgeous. It looks right at home in domestic settings, and visitors won't be creeped out that you've installed a robotic eyeball in the corner. And if you're a bit self conscious about your in-home CCTV, you can slap that pop-up peeper back down into the body to make it extra discreet when not in use.
  • But here's where it all falls apart: while the hardware is undoubtedly top notch, Samsung's software is shakier than a set of maracas. Setting it up is a lesson in self control, and several times we found ourselves cursing the contradictory instructions. Once it's finally up and running, the Smart Home Camera seems allergic to its web connection. The camera constantly drops offline, even when con
  • While the design is tempting, the software makes this a non-starter. Samsung's quality hardware is undoubted, but the flaky software means the Smart Home Camera is utterly unreliable, and a risky investment if, as Samsung suggests in its marketing mate...

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  Publicación: 2014-03-18, Autor: RockyHsu , crítica de:

  • Resumen:  雖然現代人幾乎人手一台智慧型手機,出外旅遊時,隨時都能拿起拍照,不過手機畢竟還是手機,感光元件再怎麼好,還是沒辦法做得像相機這麼大,自然畫質也有一段差距,尤其是晚上更為明顯,所以想要有好一點的拍照品質,消費型隨身相機還是首選。Samsung 年初推出的 SMART CAMERA WB350F,就是主打消費型市場,不僅外型輕巧方便攜帶,也擁有近乎全面的功能,還支援 WIFI 與 NFC 技術,應該會帶給使用者不錯的拍攝體驗。SAMSUNG SMART CAMERA WB350F 支援 21 倍的光學變焦,是...

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