Testseek.es han recogido 1 las revisiones expertas de el Lethal Shadows Fluorescent Paints y el grado medio es el 75%. Enrolle abajo y vea todas las revisiones para Lethal Shadows Fluorescent Paints.
1 Críticas
Puntuación media de los expertos que han realizado una crítica del producto.
0 Críticas
Puntuación media de los propietarios del producto.
Paints are perfectly mixed, great pigmentation, bright, Easy to use, Great for blending and highlight details
Bottle cap system can come right off the bottle meaning you might dry out your paints, Some colors you might not need
Lethal Shadows entry into fluorescent paint ranges provide consistency and brightness, along with some standout yellows and greens. If you haven't bought fluors before, it's worth looking into this range