Testseek.es han recogido 3 las revisiones expertas de el LightSleeper LightSleeper y el grado medio es el 58%. Enrolle abajo y vea todas las revisiones para LightSleeper LightSleeper.
3 Críticas
Puntuación media de los expertos que han realizado una crítica del producto.
0 Críticas
Puntuación media de los propietarios del producto.
Resumen: So the LightSleeper sits on your bedside table and projects a white blob onto the ceiling, which moves around in a gentle, circular motion. Following this with your eyes supposedly encourages the mind to relax into sleep. The problem for me is that the bl...
Resumen: For many a good night’s sleep is rare, others need help in the way of sleeping pills, alcohol or maybe just a milky drink. Here is another way, no pills, no hangover in fact it is just following a light played onto the ceiling above your bed....