Testseek.es han recogido 4 las revisiones expertas de el Albohes Z5 y el grado medio es el 96%. Enrolle abajo y vea todas las revisiones para Albohes Z5.
4 Críticas
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Publicación: 2019-01-12, Autor: Piyush , crítica de: xiaomitoday.com
Resumen: Robots are going to change the world, some of them are needed, and some are essential. We have already seen robots as a vacuum cleaner, which has already proved there worth in every household. Due to the apparent benefits we get from them, they already ma...
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Publicación: 2018-10-10, Autor: Julie , crítica de: the-gadgeteer.com
Takes too much babysitting, Have to run it more than once to clean a window and it still leaves streaks and smears
Robot floor cleaners are awesome but if robot window cleaners are all like this one, I'm going to stick with cleaning my windows the old school way, with my own two hands.Price: $169.99Where to buy: AmazonSource: The sample for this review was provided by...
Resumen: Confesso che ultimamente le cinesate mi intrigano. Come penso intrighino tutti gli amanti dei gadget tecnologici. E mi diverto un sacco a provarle visto l'appiattimento generale del mondo smartphone. Ecco perchè ho provato questo lavavetri automatico di...
Publicación: 2018-10-01, Autor: André , crítica de: hartware.de
Resumen: Es ist kein Geheimnis, dass GearBest zu einem der Partner von Hartware.net zählt. Dank der Unterstützung des chinesischen Händlers konnten wir unter anderem auch Import-Smartphones wie jüngst das Xiaomi Mi 8 testen. Mittlerweile bietet der Händler aber ni...