
Inicio » Electrodomésticos » Mp3/reproductor multimedia » Bluesound Node Icon

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Reviews of Bluesound Node Icon han recogido 2 las revisiones expertas de el Bluesound Node Icon y el grado medio es el 100%. Enrolle abajo y vea todas las revisiones para Bluesound Node Icon.
2 Críticas
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  Publicación: 2024-09-26, Autor: Alastair , crítica de:

  • Compact size with display screen,Energetic but clean sound during our demo,Great connectivity and streaming features
  • Price puts it up against some stiff competition,Top glass panel is a smudge magnet,We need dedicated testing time to draw final conclusions
  • Bluesound's new top-of-the-range network audio player has a new design, ample streaming features and connectivity, and our early listen seems promising. It has fierce competition at this price point, however, so we are keen to hear how it performs during...

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  Publicación: 2025-02-06, Autor: Philipp , crítica de:

  • Natürlich tritt er beim Design selbstbewusst auf, doch der eigentliche Augenöffner dieses Streamers ist sein Sound. Der Bluesound Node Icon spielt einfach herrlich klar, frisch und stimmig auf, wobei man das Gefühl hat, das man hier wirklich nichts als di...

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