Testseek.es han recogido 11 las revisiones expertas de el Adonit Jot Script y el grado medio es el 76%. Enrolle abajo y vea todas las revisiones para Adonit Jot Script.
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Publicación: 2014-03-06, Autor: Kevin , crítica de: examiner.com
Resumen: The majority of these styli use a large rubber-like compound, about the size of a pencil eraser, on the tip of the stylus. The result was a low-resolution stylus which does not mimic the look and feel of an actual pen or pencil. Adonit entered the market ...
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Publicación: 2014-02-02, Autor: Yaara , crítica de: makeuseof.com
The Jot Script is an impressive stylus, and and enjoyable one to use. However, it still doesn't provide that flawless stylus experience we're all waiting for. No matter how rare, the glitches that do exist prevent it from feeling like a regular pen, unles...
Publicación: 2013-11-15, Autor: Warner , crítica de: gottabemobile.com
Resumen: Last week I reviewed the Adonit Jot Script Stylus (the Evernote edition) designed for Digital Inkers to do some Inking on their iPads. It is designed specifically to work with the Evernote App, Penultimate , but will work with other iOS note taking and dr...
Publicación: 2013-11-07, Autor: Jeremy , crítica de: ilounge.com
Up until now, most stylus developers have felt compelled to follow the same basic formula, placing a rubber tip atop a metal tube, then including or omitting Bluetooth electronics that can enhance writing precision. To its great credit, Adonit was the fir...
Publicación: 2013-11-06, Autor: Warner , crítica de: gottabemobile.com
Resumen: Digital Inking is how I got into Tablets in the first place, back in the day. Digital Inking is a sum of moving parts. It involves the screen, the stylus and your hands. Everything has to feel right for you to feel right about doing something you learned ...
Publicación: 2013-11-04, Autor: Serenity , crítica de: macworld.com
Thin nib and excellent precision tech offer one of the best iPad writing experiences
Nib can occasionally be too slippery on glass
If you take any sort of notes or need a stylus for detail-work, the Jot Script is, hands down, the pen for you. Its $75 price tag may make some hesitate, but the Script's technology (and the time you'll save over writing with a rubber nib) is more than w...
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Publicación: 2014-10-29, Autor: Carsten , crítica de: altomdata.dk
Resumen: Touchtastaturer og Bluetooth-keyboards kan være nok så fint, men nogle gange er det altså bare bedre at skrive i hånden. Især til noter kan det være praktisk at have en pen ved hånden for hurtigt at kunne skrible nogle kragetæer ned på sin tablet.I samarb...