Testseek.es han recogido 4 las revisiones expertas de el LunaTik Touch Pen y el grado medio es el 84%. Enrolle abajo y vea todas las revisiones para LunaTik Touch Pen.
4 Críticas
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0 Críticas
Puntuación media de los propietarios del producto.
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Publicación: 2014-03-06, Autor: Mike , crítica de: tuaw.com
I'm torn. If you saw both of these device on a store shelf, and didn't bother to take the time to compare the rear of each package, you'd never know the difference between the two. Well, aside from the fact that the plastic version is US$19.95 and the ...
Resumen: Scott Wilson's design company Minimal helped usher in the first wave of cool sixth-generation iPod nano accessories with the LunaTik family of watch bands, and now his Apple-focused LunaTik label is about to unleash its first iOS add-on: the Touch Pen...
Publicación: 2012-04-10, Autor: Ellis , crítica de: theverge.com
Resumen: Until Paper for iPad launched, we didn't know many people who were clamoring for a stylus to use in conjunction with their iPad. And now, the Best Buy around the block from us is sold out of styli...
Publicación: 2014-04-08, Autor: Yuri , crítica de: macitynet.it
semplicità ed immediatezza di utilizzo, leggerezza, ergonomia
al tatto la plastica può sembrare di bassa fattura, in realtà risulta essere molto solida, resistendo a cadute e sollecitazioni più comuni.
Valutatene l'acquisto anche per utilizzarla con iPhone, in quanto può risultare particolarmente utile avere sempre a portata di mano una penna del genere specialmente in inverno quando indossiamo i guanti (a patto che non ne abbiate di compatibili con sch...